Building Mass

One of the things that I have always had the hardest time doing is building mass. 

Playing college basketball requires a lot of running and I would have to ingest a large number of calories if I wanted to put on the wait that I needed. 

But how do you put on mass? 

Many people think that the best way to do that is to lift heavy weight for hours and hours on time with very little break. That may work to a certain point but over working the body will cause the body to counteract the muscle building process. 

And don't think that your gonna just be able to put on 20 pounds of muscle on in just one day. It takes time!! I have been lifting almost my whole life even though it sure doesn't look like it because my body composition and basketball. But some people lift their whole life and are still not happy with their body mass. 

Calories is also a very important factor when trying to put on mass. You need to eat more calories than you are going to work off during your workout in order to be able to put on mass. 

This post was all about putting on mass but next week we are going to look at the flip side, weight loss. 

If you have any more questions about putting on mass please leave a comment below. 

What to eat when working out

When looking at what we put in our body we don’t fully understand how that can actually affect us when we are trying to work out.

This is one of the hardest things for me when I am working out. I am currently trying to gain weight but it’s so hard being an athlete and gain weight when I am in season.  I JUST CANT INJEST enough calories to gain the weight that I want while we are running and lifting almost every day of the week.

What is a healthy diet though?

Michael Phelps was rumored to have a diet that consisted of 12,000 calories when he was in training season. Even though this was a much exaggerated number it wasn’t too far from the truth. Don’t think that you need to put that many calories into your body when you are lifting out unless you are burning that and more per day, which is highly unlikely.

Before you work out there are a few things that you should look at when choosing what to eat you need to make sure that its low fat, has a little bit of carbs and proteins, low fiber and that it includes fluids. And you HAVE to stay away from greasy foods such as pizza and fried foods.  

One thing that I have honestly found out from personal experience is that you should not work out on an empty stomach… You will feel like you have no strength and may even pass out.

After you work out it’s a great idea to eat a lot of proteins.Proteins are essential to help your muscles recover from working out.

Another thing that people should do to insure that they are doing everything they possible can get bigger, faster and stronger is to avoid drinking an access amount of alcohol… along with not smoking or using any types of tobacco. 

If you want to see more about eating healthy go to

Why Work Out

Hi everyone, I’m finally glad to get this blog up and running for you guys.

This blog is all about one thing working out!

Working out is not just how strong you can get and how good you look. It also plays a very important role on how you feel. Me being an athlete, I have been physically active almost my whole life. Whether it be lifting weights or running I have always enjoyed getting a good work out in.

I’m not going to lie to you guys, it may be hard and almost feel taxing when you are in the gym working out. But the feeling after is definitely worth it. From my personal experience I feel like I have just spent time accomplishing something when I’m done.

As you see later in my blog posts there is different exercises that you can do to conquer certain goals that you may have like building mass or losing weight. And there is a number of different supplement out there that you can take to help you achieve these goals.

For some people it may be really uncomfortable to walk into a gym and start working out. I sometimes have this problem. I am no strong man by any means. And I sometimes feel uncomfortable lifting when people are lifting twice as much as I am.

I am here to help people learn more about working out and how it can benefit your body and your mind. It you have any questions about working out or lifting please leave a comment and I will try to reply with as best of knowledge as I can.