Building Mass

One of the things that I have always had the hardest time doing is building mass. 

Playing college basketball requires a lot of running and I would have to ingest a large number of calories if I wanted to put on the wait that I needed. 

But how do you put on mass? 

Many people think that the best way to do that is to lift heavy weight for hours and hours on time with very little break. That may work to a certain point but over working the body will cause the body to counteract the muscle building process. 

And don't think that your gonna just be able to put on 20 pounds of muscle on in just one day. It takes time!! I have been lifting almost my whole life even though it sure doesn't look like it because my body composition and basketball. But some people lift their whole life and are still not happy with their body mass. 

Calories is also a very important factor when trying to put on mass. You need to eat more calories than you are going to work off during your workout in order to be able to put on mass. 

This post was all about putting on mass but next week we are going to look at the flip side, weight loss. 

If you have any more questions about putting on mass please leave a comment below. 

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